Roland Juno-106

(Item #U845)
$2,600.00 Buy

This enormously-popular 6-voice polyphonic synth is a great-sounding analog workhorse. It does not have a velocity-responsive keyboard, but the abundance of front-panel sliders and 128 stored programs make this an easy and intuitive synthesizer to use, it has great MIDI implementation, and its lush chorus effect can really fatten up the sound. Its Achilles Heel is the self-contained voice chips, which can go bad after decades of aging. Fortunately, Syntaur carries modern-day clone chips that will last a lifetime.

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Roland Juno-106 Roland Juno-106 Roland Juno-106 Roland Juno-106 Roland Juno-106 Roland Juno-106 Roland Juno-106 Roland Juno-106 Roland Juno-106