Power adapter, 12VDC, 1A

Power adapter, 12VDC, 1A. This external power supply is for use with 120V North American mains voltages only, and works with the ASM Hydrasynth, Behringer Model D, and Yamaha EZ-220, HD-200, KX8, KX25, KX49, KX61, NP-11, PSR-170, PSR-175, PSR-180, PSR-185, PSR-210, PSR-215, PSR-310, PSR-E213, PSR-E223, PSR-E233, PSR-E243, PSR-E313, PSR-E323, PSR-E333, PSR-E343, PSR-E344, PSR-E353, PSR-E363, PSR-E403, PSR-423, Reface (all models), RX17, YPT-210, YPT-220, YPT-230, YPT-240, YPT-310, YPT-320, YPT-330, YPT-340, YPT-360, YPT-400, YPT-420.

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(Part #PA3847)

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