Power adapter, 12VDC, 1A. This external power supply is for use with 120V North American mains voltages only, and works with the ASM Hydrasynth, Behringer Model D, and Yamaha EZ-220, HD-200, KX8, KX25, KX49, KX61, NP-11, PSR-170, PSR-175, PSR-180, PSR-185, PSR-210, PSR-215, PSR-310, PSR-E213, PSR-E223, PSR-E233, PSR-E243, PSR-E313, PSR-E323, PSR-E333, PSR-E343, PSR-E344, PSR-E353, PSR-E363, PSR-E403, PSR-423, Reface (all models), RX17, YPT-210, YPT-220, YPT-230, YPT-240, YPT-310, YPT-320, YPT-330, YPT-340, YPT-360, YPT-400, YPT-420.
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