SLT-10 EPS/ASR library

Ensoniq SLT-10 EPS/ASR library, 'Holophonic Sound Effects 2', 10 floppy disks for EPS/ASR samplers. This library contains the following sounds (block sizes are in parentheses): Snap 1 (44), Snap 2 (61), Window Smash (623), Blow Up Balloon (500), Flying Balloon (547), Plate Smash (412), Pop Balloon (121), Knock on Door (56), Opening Door (307), Busy Signal (237), Dial Tone (235), Off Jook (39), Phone Ring (769), Pick up Phone (124), Ring Them (78), Touch Tones (657), .25 Calibre Automatic (184), .45 Calibre Automatic (343), Machine Gun (635), Rifle Cock & Shot (406), Medium Bang (597), Rocket Fire (290), Cannon (562), Hose/Shower (1059), Elevator (879), Crossing Bell (402), Night Train (910), Donkey (337), Elephant (376), Horse Snort (228), Horse Whinney (516), Bee (304), Chicken Cluck (376), Cow Moo (293), Lion Roars (592), Fire Bell (56), Buzzer (370), Cash Register (549).

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There are 3 of this item in stock.


(Part #SLT10)

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