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NiCad Battery
LinnDrum Battery
Nickel-Cadmium 3.6-volt rechargeable battery; this battery replaces the three 1.2-volt batteries in the LinnDrum.

This battery must be soldered into place, and unless you are experienced with a soldering iron, you may not want to tackle this job. If you do, beware that overheating the battery can cause it to explode; make quick solder joints and use a heatsink. Battery replacement is a fairly simple task for a qualified technician; any service center should be able to do the job fairly quickly. Just be sure you save all your program data first, as this will be lost when the battery is removed.

The lower photo shows how the battery should be installed. Remove the three original batteries, and install the new one in a diagonal configuration on the circuit board. The positive (+) lead is situated to the left, soldered into the uppermost of the three battery holes, and the negative lead (-) is soldered into the lowest of the battery holes on the right side of the board.
